La Gallina Aristotelica ¿Dónde comer en Guanajuato? Guía de lugares para comer en Guanajuato


Guía de Restaurantes en Guanajuato

Welcome to the blog where real food lovers have the final say! You won’t find gourmet jargon or cooking techniques more complicated than spelling Schwarzenegger here. We’re food enthusiasts, not chefs, and this is where we share our honest experiences at restaurants in the city of Guanajuato.

From the taco stand on the corner to dishes claiming to be fusion, we try it all with the hunger of someone who missed breakfast.

The result? Honest, laid-back reviews made for people who just want to enjoy good food without all the fuss.

Here, we celebrate the tasty, the simple, and the authentically Guanajuatense—because no one should waste money on a dish that doesn’t leave you wanting seconds.

So sit back, relax, and join us as we explore the city’s flavors!

Guía de Restaurantes en Guanajuato



his charming restaurant is nestled among the trees and stone surroundings of the Gene Byron Museum in...



It's a small restaurant just a few steps from Presa de los Santos in Marfil. The place is modest but cozy, with...